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  证件翻译的类型非常广泛,证件翻译 一般适用于国外,成为国内外往来的重要内容之一,下面亚加达翻译公司给大家分享证件翻译有哪些技巧?

  The types of document translation are very wide. Document translation is generally applicable to foreign countries and becomes one of the important contents of domestic and foreign exchanges. What are the skills of document translation shared by Shangyu translation company?

  1、需要注意格式问题 1. Need to pay attention to the format 证件翻译中需要保证证件内容要与原本证件的排版格式相同,避免出现偏差影响到证件的效力,无论是哪个证件翻译都必须要保证其格式准确,这是证件翻译中最重要也是最基本的。

  In the process of document translation, it is necessary to ensure that the content of the document is the same as the format of the original document, so as to avoid any deviation affecting the effectiveness of the document. No matter what document translation is, it is necessary to ensure that its format is accurate, which is the most important and basic in document translation.


  2. Need to pay attention to the sealing content


  Many translated documents will leave out the sealed contents, which should be annotated at the corresponding position and translated. The sealed contents on the certificate translation cannot be omitted, including the signature, which must be translated accurately, so that the translation is complete, especially to check all the contents on the certificate, none of which can be omitted.


  3. Note the note part of the certificate 证件中的注释在证件翻译中尤为重要,遇到模糊不清的盖章或者手写的潦草的字迹时,应作注释表明盖章或字迹模糊不可读。注释一般标在综括号 “ [ ] ”,注释内容为斜体,字体可比正文字体标小一号,在译文中应有“综括号内为译者注释”字样。

  Notes in documents are particularly important in document translation. In case of unclear seal or handwritten scrawl, notes shall be made to indicate that the seal or handwriting is illegible. Generally, the annotation is marked with the comprehensive sign "[]", the annotation content is in italics, and the font can be one size smaller than the text font. In the translation, there should be the word "translator's annotation within the comprehensive sign".


  4. Attention should be paid to the accuracy of certificate information 在证件翻译中所有信息都必须精准翻译,无论是名字还是住址或者是证件名称,这些都不可以出现错误,比如名字一旦出现错译,很有可能在使用证件办理事务时被认为是假证件或偷盗来的,会遭到质疑造成误会,所以为避免造成不必要的麻烦需要保证证件信息的准确性。

  In document translation, all information must be translated accurately. No matter the name or address or the name of the document, there should be no mistakes. For example, once the name is mistranslated, it is likely to be considered as fake or stolen when using the document to handle affairs, which will be questioned and cause misunderstanding. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, it is necessary to guarantee the document information Accuracy.





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