周一至周五: 8:30-17:30
1. Superfood smoothies 超级食物制成的“奶昔”
For the best superfood smoothie, add folate-rich and fiber-rich leafy greens like spinach or kale, along with chia seeds or walnuts for plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and protein. Then throw in an avocado for healthy fats, followed by antioxidant-rich blueberries.
Adding plain, unsweetened yogurt can also increase your smoothie’s creaminess, protein levels and gut-healthy probiotics.
2. Homemade veggie fries 自制炸蔬菜
Eating a colorful variety of vegetables is so important for getting enough fiber and phytonutrients, as well as fueling both gut health and mental health.
Air fryer ovens add a crispy, crunchy texture to food without deep frying. Use it to make zucchini, carrot or green bean “fries.”
3. Homemade hummus 自制豆泥
Legumes are healthy, plant-based sources of iron, zinc, protein and fiber, benefitting brain development.
Homemade hummus is a versatile way to incorporate legumes into your child’s diet. It can be served in so many ways, such as a dip paired with apple slices, carrot sticks, thinly sliced celery or sugar snap peas.
Adding some color to your hummus can make it more appealing to kids. Think: a bright orange carrot hummus or a deep-purple beet hummus topped with a monster face made out of vegetables.
4. Salmon 三文鱼
Introducing your child to fish at a young age can increase their likelihood of enjoying it and eating low-fat, vitamin-rich proteins for the rest of their life.
Salmon is soft and mild enough for young children, and is also a good source of vitamin B12 and omega-3s, which promote healthy brain development and happier moods.
5. Eggs 鸡蛋
Whole eggs are an excellent source of brain-boosting vitamins A, D and B12, along with choline. Choline is especially important for young children, as it has been shown to improve brain development and long-term memory.
One study found that pastured eggs can have twice as much vitamin E and almost three times as many omega-3s as caged eggs.
6. Meatballs 肉丸
Sneak some powerful plant-based fiber and nutritious veggies into your child’s diet through meatballs.
Start with a base of beans, lentils or ground turkey. Then add shredded spinach or grated zucchini.
Use flax seeds to bind the ingredients for added omega-3s and toss in your spices. Cook and serve.
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