周一至周五: 8:30-17:30
Olympic gold medals are not made entirely of gold.
Up until the 1912 Stockholm Games, gold medals were made almost entirely of gold. But the amount of gold making up the medals dropped from Antwerp 1920.
So how much money is an Olympic gold medal worth today?
This year at the Paris Olympics, the gold medals consist of 523 grams of silver, coated in 6 grams of gold. Silver medals weigh 525 grams and are made of pure silver, while bronze medals weigh 455 grams and are made of copper, tin and zinc. This year’s Olympic medals will depart slightly from their historical tradition, with the Paris Olympic medals including an iron piece from the Eiffel Tower, on top of their usual composition.
Excluding the value of the Eiffel Tower iron piece placed in the centre of each Olympic medal, Oxford Economics estimates that the value of each gold medal during these Olympic Games is US$1,027, while silver and bronze medals are worth US$535 and US$4.6, respectively.
英文来源:Oxford Economics
审校:万月英 陈丹妮
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