周一至周五: 8:30-17:30
据外媒Radii报道,几年前谷歌评论(Google Review)更新后允许商家隐藏负面评论,这项功能旨在保护企业权益。然而,这一功能的滥用也会压制正当的批评与真实的声音。作为“回击”,海外华人尤其是留学生群体,便通过各种创意策略来绕过系统审查。
This trend began a couple of years ago when Google Reviews introduced an update allowing businesses to hide negative reviews. While the update aimed to protect businesses' rights, it arguably gave them excessive power to suppress genuine critical feedback on their Google Maps listings. In response, Chinese people abroad — particularly students — took to social media to share creative strategies for bypassing this censorship.
其中,一种流行的方式是写藏头诗(acrostic poems),比如:
Chinese people don't deceive each other! This restaurant is amazing! After eating here, I was so inspired that I wrote a poem:
No envy for lovebirds or immortals,
Just good food, drink, and time well spent.
Savoring the flavors of the world,
A unique taste lingers in my heart.
We come and go as passing guests!
An English translation of the review seems share a positive appraisal of a restaurant’s food, but the first character of each line of the poem reveals the customer's true message: "不好吃别来"(Bù hào chī bié lái), or in English "Not tasty, don't come."
A review by a Chinese Google user reads "噂嘟乐yuě了" (zǔn dū yuè le). The first two characters provide a cutesy pronunciation of 真的 (zhēn de, really), while 乐 with an adjusted tone stands in for 哕 (yuě, internet slang for vomiting). In this case, a review of "really nauseating" even got a "Thank you" from the restaurant.
To further deceive businesses, customers often leave five-star ratings while embedding their true opinions in the content or accompanying images. Thanks to the richness of Mandarin homophones, commenters can replace critical words with obscure synonyms, rendering auto-translation tools ineffective.
Other commenters have leaned into multiple layers of playful wordplay, involving both Chinese and English. One example is using the term "newspaper eating" to critique food. The phrase originates from the Chinese words 不好吃 (bù hǎo chī, not tasty), which, when spoken quickly, sound like 报吃 (bào chī), a nonsense phrase that literally translates as "newspaper eating".
However, some users have noted that tools like ChatGPT-4 are starting to decode these messages effectively.
While some primarily see the phenomenon of restaurant reviews in code as a form of mild rebellion against the power imbalance between businesses and customers, others view it as just a fascinating display of linguistic creativity.
来源:Radii 北美省钱快报
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